About Us


The Department of Psychology was established in 2009. There are 5 PhD Faculty Members and 5 Research Assistants actively working in our department. Necessary preparations are underway for our department to start admitting students in the Fall Semester of the 2023-2024 Academic Year.
In the light of universal values, our department aims to train high-quality psychologists who are needing the country and humanity, who have learned how to learn and can stand on their own feet, and to offer their products in the fields of education and research for the benefit of society and humanity, by making use of the knowledge of science in general and psychology in particular. In line with the mission, vision, values ​​and strategic goals of our university, we are proud to be a member and graduate in national and international environments; It aims to be a psychology department that will train staff who will contribute to the advancement of contemporary psychology and its application for the benefit of society and humanity, with the education it will provide and the information it will produce with scientific methods.

In this direction, our main aim is to teach our students;
1. They will be able to experience what science, scientific method and scientific knowledge are,
2. They will gain scientific doubt, curiosity, the excitement of research and discovery, and develop inquisitive thinking skills,
3. In addition to gaining a solid theoretical background in the science of psychology, they will understand how to apply this knowledge to daily life,
4. It will create a scientific, academic and social environment where they can mobilize and maintain their academic and individual development.