Bölümümüz Tarafından Yürütülen Çalışmalar
Polatcan, M., Arslan, P., Balcı, A. (2023) "The mediating effect of teacher self-efficacy regarding the relationship between transformational school leadership and teacher agency", Educational Studies, 49 (5) pp. 823-841 [SSCI]
Polatcan, M. (2023) "The Influence of Leadership Self-efficacy on College Students' Leadership Practice: The Mediating Role of Motivation to Lead", International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management, 11 (2) pp. 138-167
Özdemir, N., Kılınç, A.Ç., Polatcan, M., Turan, S., Bellibaş, M.Ş. (2023) "Exploring Teachers’ Instructional Practice Profiles: Do Distributed Leadership and Teacher Collaboration Make a Difference?", Educational Administration Quarterly, 59 (2) pp. 255-305 [SSCI]
Polatcan, M., Kılınç, A.Ç., Özdemir, N., Zepeda, S., Çevik, S. (2023) "Leading teacher instructional practices in Türkiye: do inner school conditions matter?", Journal of Educational Administration, 61 (4) pp. 341-361 [SSCI]
Özdemir, S., Sezgin, F., Kılınç, A.Ç., Polatcan, M. (2023) "A cultural lens to school leadership effects on teacher instructional practices: The mediation of teacher collective efficacy and the moderation of uncertainty avoidance", Educational Mangement Administration and Leadership, (0) [SSCI]
Kılınç, A.Ç., Polatcan, M., Çepni, O. (2023) "Exploring the association between distributed leadership and student achievement: the mediation role of teacher professional practices and teacher self-efficacy", Journal of Curriculum Studies, (0) [SSCI]
Kılınç, A.Ç., Özdemir, N., Polatcan, M., Savaş, G., Dolapçı, E. (2023) "Linking transformational leadership to teacher commitment and alienation: Do motivational climate profiles moderate?", Educational Management Administration and Leadership, (0) pp. 1-25 [SSCI]
Kılınç, A.Ç., Polatcan, M., Erdoğan, O., Sezgin, F., Özdemir, S. (2023) "Investigating the association between principal learning-centred leadership and teacher instructional practices: the mediating roles of teacher self-efficacy and collective teacher efficacy", Educational Studies, (0) [SSCI]
Kılınç, A.Ç., Polatcan, M., Savaş, G., Er, E. (2024) "How transformational leadership influences teachers’ commitment and innovative practices: Understanding the moderating role of trust in principal", Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 52 (2) pp. 455-474 [SSCI]
Kılınç, A.Ç., Polatcan, M., Turan, S., Özdemir, N. (2024) "Principal job satisfaction, distributed leadership, teacher-student relationships, and student achievement in Turkey: a multilevel mediated-effect model", Irish Educational Studies, 43 (2) pp. 281-299 [SSCI]
Sezgin, F., Kılınç, A.Ç., Özdemir, S., Özdemir, N., Erdoğan, O. (2024) "Exploring the moderation role of teacher cultural value profiles on the association between transformational leadership and teacher job satisfaction: Evidence from Turkish education context", Educational Management Administration & Leadership, (0) [SSCI]
Cansoy, R., Kılınç, A.Ç., Türkoğlu, M.E. (2024) "Barriers to school principals’ effective instructional supervision practices: evidence from a centralised educational context", Educational Studies, (0) [SSCI]
Özdemir, N., Kılınç, A.Ç., Turan, S. (2023) "Instructional leadership, power distance, teacher enthusiasm, and differentiated instruction in Turkey: testing a multilevel moderated mediation model", Asia Pasific Journal of Education, 43 (3) pp. 912-928 [SSCI]
Yılmaz, G., Kılınç, A.Ç. (2023) "Okul Müdürünün Öğretim Liderliği Davranışları ile Öğretmen Mesleki Öğrenmesi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: Öğretmen Motivasyonunun Aracı Rolü", Baskent Journal of Education, 10 (1) pp. 32-46 [TR Dizin]
Özdemir, N., Kılınç, A.Ç., Polatcan, M., Turan, S., Bellibaş, M.Ş. (2023) "Exploring Teachers’ Instructional Practice Profiles: Do Distributed Leadership and Teacher Collaboration Make a Difference?", Educational Administration Quarterly, 59 (2) pp. 255-305 [SSCI]
Polatcan, M., Özdemir, N., Kılınç, A.Ç., Zepeda, S., Çevik, S. (2023) "Leading teacher instructional practices in Turkiye: do inner school conditions matter?", Journal of Educational Administration, 61 (4) pp. 341-361 [SSCI]
Özdemir, S., Sezgin, F., Kılınç, A.Ç., Polatcan, M. (2023) "A cultural lens to school leadership effects on teacher instructional practices: The mediation of teacher collective efficacy and the moderation of uncertainty avoidance", Educational Management Administration & Leadership, (0) [SSCI]
Kılınç, A.Ç., Polatcan, M., Çepni, O. (2023) "Exploring the association between distributed leadership and student achievement: the mediation role of teacher professional practices and teacher self-efficacy", Journal of Curriculum Studies, 55 (3) pp. 352-362 [SSCI]
Kılınç, A.Ç., Özdemir, N., Polatcan, M., Savaş, G., Dolapcı, E. (2023) "Linking transformational leadership to teacher commitment and alienation: Do motivational climate profiles moderate?", Educational Management Administration & Leadership, (0) [SSCI]
Bellibaş, M.Ş., Kılınç, A.Ç. (2023) "Contextualizing Leadership: How Does National Societal Culture Shape the Practices of School Leadership in Türkiye?", Bulletin of Educational Studies, 2 (1) pp. 37-49
Kılınç, A.Ç., Polatcan, M., Erdoğan, O., Sezgin, F., Özdemir, S. (2023) "Investigating the association between principal learning-centred leadership and teacher instructional practices: the mediating roles of teacher self-efficacy and collective teacher efficacy", Educational Sciences, (0) [SSCI]
Köstekci, E., Kılınç, A.Ç. (2023) "Öğretim Liderliği ile Öğretmen Öz Yeterliği Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: Öğretmen Yansıtma Davranışının Aracılık Rolü", Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 43 (3) pp. 1893-1929 [TR Dizin]
Turkoglu, M.E., Parlar, H., CANSOY, R. (2023) "Islamic educational leadership and a model Islamic high school Insights from Turkiye", ISLAMIC-BASED EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP, ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT, 0 (0) pp. 196-213 [ESCI]
Kayabaşı, S.D., Cansoy, R. (2023) "Lessons Learned from a Successful Middle School Principal in Türkiye: Insights into Effective Leadership Practices", Journal of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, 7 (2) pp. 1-18
Tüngaç, D. Ş., & Kurnaz, F. B. (2023). Dereceli puanlama anahtarı ile derecelendirme ölçeği’nden elde edilen sonuçların tutarlılığının incelenmesi: okuma akıcılığı ve prozodik okuma örneği. Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(26), 211-225. https://doi.org/10.29029/busbed.1296957
Dibekli, S., & Kurnaz, F. B. (2023). Yapı İnşa Oyun Performansının Dereceli Puanlama Anahtarıyla Değerlendirilmesi. Çocuk Ve Gelişim Dergisi, 6(12), 13-31. https://doi.org/10.36731/cg.1281108
Kurnaz, F. B., & Yıldız, H. (2023). Investigating the sources of differential item functioning: A sample critical thinking motivation scale. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 10(3), 434-453. https://doi.org/10.21449/ijate.1279152
Aldırmaz, K., & Kurnaz, F. B. (2023). Biçimsel Olmayan (İnformal) Değerlendirme Yöntemleri içinde Özel Gereksinimli Çocuklarda İnformal Değerlendirme (Ed. Asya Çetin), ss. 83 -113, Eğiten Kitap.
Polat, M. (2024) "Readiness, resilience, and engagement: Analyzing the core building blocks of online education", Education and Information Technologies, 0 (0) [SSCI]
Uysal, D., Çalışkan, S., Polat, M., Asmalı, M., Çakmak, F., Özkal, N., Güven, M. (2023) "An Evaluation of In-Service Training Curriculum for Practitioners of English for Academic Purposes", International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies, 13 (1) pp. 1-29
ARSLAN, K., POLAT, M. (2023) "How Well Do International Students Adapt to The Turkish Higher Education System?", Kastamonu Egitim Dergisi, 31 (3) pp. 513-528
POLAT, M., ERDEM, C. (2023) "Adaptation of Teacher Immunity Scale to Turkish: Validity and Reliability Study", Sakarya University Journal of Education, 13 (2) pp. 163-190
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